How to Build a New Medical Practice after Completing MBBS?
A worthy living is making lives worthy. Here’s how you start your journey of medical practice. Making lives worthy and fine. Unlike other professions that are mostly about livelihoods, a medical practice is about saving lives. At the heart of the medical profession lies the core responsibility of saving lives and making them better. The same is expected to be at the heart of each medical practitioner.
As you start out to begin your medical practice, society's greatest expectation from you is Selfless Service beyond your diagnostic abilities, skills, expertise and treatments. In one word, HUMANE.
The success mantra for an ambitious doctor is this: If you are behind the society’s well being, the society is behind you. As you start your career in medicine, be more of a human first and humane to the last - both in attitude and altitude. Rest of the things come next.
Announce Free Medical Camps
As you make baby steps in your medical profession, you may start with Free Medical Camps in and around your locality. Announce it in advance and make it heard loud and clear. Not once, but repeatedly in your local area. Reaching people and getting people to the Medical Camps in the initial stages may be a little tough until you get quite familiar. To circumvent this, you may tie up with local Clubs and Welfare Associations who will be happy to join you to promote this great cause. Reach the local community predominantly through their networks and contact. This works better in the beginning stages than trying to make all the effort and spending by yourself.
Alongside, you too can use all the means at your disposal as an add-on promotion to reach out your message like through leaflets, social media, newspapers, local television channels, local websites, notice boards of community halls and apartments, etc.,
On the day and time of the Free Medical Camp, avoid being overtly commercial. Just do your best in diagnosing and interacting with your potential future patients. Be sincere at your job here and this is your first litmus test to prove that you are caring, listening, patient and capable. Give them the advice that they need, collect their names and whatever, and ask them to check with you at your clinic for further investigation and treatment. Your first success story has already started with this assignment.
Moreover, to get more recognition and connectivity in your local area, you can participate in as many Community Welfare Activities as possible with a real heart as though making . You can have a bold statement: Care for others is Welfare.
Summing it up, this is what you need to do. Connect people and collect their confidence.
Start Writing a Health Column in a Popular Local News Website
Excerpts are enough for an Expert. As per this saying, your health columns and tips are enough to speak for you. Find the best Local News Website that has a good readership and reach and offer to them to write for their website as a Guest Columnist explaining the scope of your short write ups. This regular activity earns you instant visibility and the trust of the local population because of the media outreach.
Start a YouTube Channel & Share Tips & Advice
Broadcast yourself and cast out their doubts. Starting a YouTube Channel for you is not a big deal. So, start a Channel forthwith and post your videos and pin it to the local area. Pick video topics and subjects that really address today’s pain points of your potential patients and publish a series of videos. If video making and presentation is not your cup of tea, hire the right team to deliver your messages through either a question and answer session with you or through a video illustration of health issues and its remedies. Prove your expertise and make a mark in your field.
Become a Role Model Doctor in Your Locality
Known and Well-known are not the same. If the objective is just making yourself known in the local society, a promotion, media blitzkrieg, series of Free Medical Camps, write ups and videos will just do it for you. But, becoming well-known is not actually so especially for a Medical Practitioner. It begins with patient satisfaction and adds up other things as quality of your treatment, word of mouth of your patients, patient experience at your clinic or hospital, quality of your patients interactions with you, your behaviour and politeness, and moreover the medical fees that you charge them. The question is where you are rated from among the many physicians in the local area and how much you are remembered for treatment of a particular or general ailment. Becoming well-known is not just a factor of time, but a matter of great treatment, best service, wholehearted attention, affable communication and affordable charges.
Win Hearts with Real Care & Attention
Hearts earned are earned forever. Getting new patients is one thing and making them come repeatedly out of trust, belief and expectation is another. As a new doctor, you are fortunately having a plain slate. What is going to be written on it by your patients and society depends upon their opinions, experiences, hearsays, trust and confidence. These are mostly influenced and caused by your service, conduct, attitude, love, care and attention. So, be genuinely interested in your patients’ welfare, be a significant part of their family, earn their trust and belief, and ultimately, win their hearts.
Kindness is endless. Kindness doesn't believe in mindsets or moods. Kindness doesn’t know time frames as well. Irrespective of how long you are in service, or how long you know your patients, you can always be kind and caring for them. Your patients.as they see you as well-mannered, highly approachable, easily reachable, eagerly listenable and simply affordable, not only do they respect you and adore you, but they depend on you for all their medical needs and advice and subscribe to you for life.
About the Author
Rathan Roy is a Freelance Content Writer, Digital Marketer & Market Strategist based in Coimbatore (India).